nothing much happen in my life.. still felt tired day by day..
got d chance going 2 d beach last week ( after 'merajuk' with hubby since we've been staying @ home during d weekend ). it was nadira's 2nd time n now she was afraid 2 d water.. huhu.. last time, she was d 1 who's eager n excited playing with d water..

then hubby bought durian 4 me on our way back home. @ 1st he thought 1 durian is 4 rm30 ( it wrote 30 @ d label - which actually 3.0 meaning for its 3.0kg weight ).. he bought 2 durian n had 2 pay rm140 4 them.. huhu..

really satiesfied with d thick n sweet durian;))
n juz dis friday, my school had organized a premier camp 4 uniform unit.. 100 pupils involved which i was assigned 2 b 1 of d facilitator. i got d chance 2 try out d paintball, n it was my 1st;p

i'd miz'd all d target.. haha..
n 2day started 2 feel it again.. stress.. after being so tired 4 d camp, which end dis afternoon, d pressure came again.. wit nadira's attitude, hubby's.. really made my day.. money wasn't d problem now, but he's attitude making me stressful. he keeps blaming me if i get angry wit nadira. coz sometimes i shout n hit her a bit.. whenever i try 2 slow talk saying 'no' to her, most of d time she'll get 'merajuk ', started 2 throw things, kicking, hitting anything in her way.. hmm.. sometimes i dunno what i'd 2 do.. i really need a good supporter.. or shud i call a soulmate.. living near, but my heart wasn't near, it has been far away, as dis is d 2nd time i'm thinking 2 call it off.. but i guess need 2 wait 4 d 2nd baby 1st..
seriously i've keeping all dis long since me n nadira came 2 lbuan.. living here really makes me stress.. there's no prob @ work.. but my social life bcame worse, i'd prefer 2 b a quiet person.. but home sucks.. really uncomfortable ( 'rumah bujang' n only basic things in here ). n him.. still with his own life, his 'online game'.
really hope things will b better after we move into our new home.. i really miz'd d 'happy' me..
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Location:labuan f.t.
sabar ya na...pembawaan budak kali..tu lah lebih emo