i'm kind of stress during parenting. coz of tired, less hour of sleep, lack of support from family, far away from hubby, my c-sec condition. everything la.. worried 2 if i'm capable or not 4 being a good mother 2 my child.. can i do dis? always asking myself..
hopefully nadira wil b a gud child so dat i'm not going 2 b pening2 parenting her in d future. about her.. now she'd started 2 get attention. 1 2 b bounce 4 sleeping. my mom get her d baby bouncer, n she likes 2 b bounce by arms now. i was tired coz each time need 2 bounce her in my arms so dat she fell asleep. n she's easily woke up if she felt not being bounce. huhu.. so, i advice other soon-2-b-mum, never get d baby bouncer! juz put ur newborn in her cot. let her sleep juz like dat. n don't start using d pacifier 2. coz it will effect ur kid's front teeth (my mom keep asking me 2 get nadira her pacifier).
dear Allah, pls giv me d strength so dat i can b a good mom 2 my precious alana nadira.. amin..
White tulle for trendy bridal gowns
10 months ago