about d tips 2 overcome engorged breast..
from my experience 2 overcome d engorged breast, all tips i did was working successfully.. but need 2-3 days for d breast 2 get back 2 normal la..
now i'm a bit worried about BFd. although i'm starting working only in january, i need 2 train nadira 2 drink her milk from d bottle. yesterday i bought tommee tippee closer to nature 150m (5oz) bottle for her n make her feed from it. but she refused. she only 1 2 b fed from my breasts. huhu.. it'll b hard 2 leave her @ home if i'm going 2 somewhere far or 4 a long period time. my hubby said let her totally hungry so dat she'll drink from d bottle. kesian..
on d 11th, i'm going 2 c dr. felice again 2 check my wound. usually hav 2 wait 4 a long queue 2 meet her, although already made appointment. worried coz nadira will hav 2 wait 4 me 2 get back home from d appointment. i'm thinking 2 go earlier, but guess there'll b other ppl 2 b earlier 2.. aiyak! will ask d nurse if i can get d early morning appointment.
White tulle for trendy bridal gowns
10 months ago
Dah try kalau org lain yg bagi botol? sbb takut Nadira merajuk bila mama dia yg bagi, dia boleh 'cium' bau susu. Teat yang dipakai lubang kecik x? kalau mcm avent, untuk newborn selalu pakai teat nombor 1 so milk flow x laju sangat. mungkin Nadira reject sbb flow laju sangat. Boleh juga try masa dia x lapar sangat, masa dia x marah, so boleh bagi dia chance to try. Kalau mcm2 cara xdapat worst come to worst spoon feeding atau mungkin ntah2 dia pandai guna cup kecik.
ReplyDeletepnah try adik bg susu nadira mau plak. tp susah klu siang, noe je available jaga dia. adik skolah, parents bz. teat mmg slow. tp breast plak jnis laju kuar susu. tu la ada fikir mau guna spoon feed, tp 4 now mau try botol dlu. hubby blk dis weekend, so hrp nadira mau la mnum botol nnti.