it's been 3 wks since nadira's birth n my cesarean operation day. d wound is getting better. but i stil felt a bit pain when trying 2 get up from or lying on d bed.
yesterday d kkia nurses gave me n nadira a visit. nadira was 3.6kg weight they said. 0.3kg in 10 days time. i guess she'll b 3.9kg or most prob 4.0kg during her 1 month old. she really likes 2 breastfeed. n sumtimes she didn't want 2 drink d milk from d bottle. she 1 it from my breast. hehe.. susah la klu mama suda keja ni nadira.. anyway she's getting chubbier n heavier 2..
my mom suggested d cukur jambu knduri on 1st nov 2009 ( nadira's 40th day ), but i'm thinking a bit later since i 1 to make it special. wit door gifts 4 every1, decorations, flowers etc. so need a lot of preparation n money 2.. haha..
my hubby also most prob can't make it on d dat day. it was his birthday 2.. but we kind of short of budget dis month. hubby spent rm300++ 4 his flite back 2 kk ( 1 way only ) lastime. n i juz begun buying diapers 4 nadira. she used almost 2 packs of huggies newborn (52 pieces) in juz 1 week. can u imagine how many wil she need 4 a month? my mom ask me 2 buy d cheapest 1 (giant brand).. no way.. i 1 d best 4 my precious nadira of coz. but i guess during her 2nd or 3rd month, she'll use d diaper less than now.
now i'm surveying stroller 4 nadira. there's a person selling her used-stroller rm 650 4 peg preggo milano xl stoller (dark blue color). but i'm planning in rm800-1200 budget 4 new stroller. i'm interested 4 mac laren: quest sport 2009. but it's color was boring..
can't wait 4 nadira's 1 month.. ;))
White tulle for trendy bridal gowns
10 months ago
ui...aku igt mo beli baju utk si nadira takut pulak salah size..almaklumlah bb ko besar..karang terkecik or terbesar..ahhahaha...nanti la next year kali aku balek..bawa present utk si nadira..ada aku tgk2 ari tu di ikano..cumel2 lagik tu.. tunggu besar sikit baru la aku beli yg vogue2 utk si nadira..ahaha
ReplyDeletehaha.. bleh2.. ms dia pkai size newborn jg. tp ada brand yg fit dia pkai, ada yg longgar jg. bju jln dia byk, bju rumah blk2 itu2 jak d pkai. syg mo pkai bju lawa2 d rmah. rmai jg family n kwn2 bg gift bju lawa2. hehe..
ReplyDeletex sbr tgu leher dia keras.. tp nadira ni kasar bh. mcm baby boy. x pnyabar lg tu. brabis ni nyusu, skit puting aku. haha.. mama aku pun ckp muka dia mcm baby boy ni. huhu..
bh, ming ko sms or update d blog jak klu suda ada tnda2 mo deliver k ;P